Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksmas and more

I would definitely have to say my family is pretty unique. For the past 4 years my immediate family has been celebrating a new holiday..Thanksmas! It is the combination of Thanksgiving and Christmas. Holidays get a little more complicated the older you get. People move away and get married and have to share the holidays with both sides of the family. I think we solved the "In-Law Holiday Crisis".

Thanksmas is celebrated the weekend of Thanksgiving. John and I were able to still have Thanksgiving dinner with his family and still drive down to Washington D.C. to my brother and sister ( Mike and Michele live next door to each other!) and still celebrate with my family. In addition to the turkey coma, we also do celebrate the Christmas side...and that means presents. I got a great gift, triathlon shorts and race nutrition. What every girl wants!

So now that the post turkey coma is finally over, I'm back to my usual routine..well kinda. My usual routine involves running or riding, but I'm on the 2nd of 3 weeks rest. I did get a run in when i was in D.C. There are so many great places to run and ride. Helena (sister-in-law and running partner) went out for a 1:45 min run along the Anacosta Trail. This was my first run since the marathon, and it sure did hurt..my right foot especially. It hurt so much that i barely made it 200 feet the next day when i tried to run again. After a few lost toe nails and bad blisters, its back to the shoe store to find yet again a new pair of shoes. Lucky for me my sister rides and I was able to use her bike and equipment to go for a ride. I was going stir crazy so it was nice to get out and burn off the holidays treats!

I did get my gym membership started back up today and will hit the gym bright and early tomorrow before work and get some easy laps in the pool. I am resting, I promise, but I'm an athlete and I can't not do anything. I would go crazy and would drive everyone around me and how does that help anyone!

Hope everyone had a great thanksgiving and let me know if you are thinking of giving Thanksmas a try...it works wonders!


  1. Go, Megan, Go! I am another AdventureWoman at heart, and I am following your blog as you aspire to reach your IRONMAN/Woman goal! I also LOVED your Thanksmas blog! What a wonderful idea, especially when families are separated. I will continue to follow your progress! Go, Megan, Go!
    Debbie (AW)

  2. you always make me smile... Keep up all the hard work. xo ~ Kels.
