Monday, August 9, 2010

Holy training, only 20 days to go

 Me holding Davis for the first time!
Izzy, Davis and Caroline in the clothes I made them!
drinking pickle juice! helps prevent dehydration!

WOW! It seems like yesterday I started my training in the cold month of December. Now it is 100 degrees out and only weeks away from the big event. The question I get now is... are you ready instead of before "why are you doing it." To answer both, Yes I feel ready and because I love to push and challenge myself to the fullest.

With 20 days to go what is my training like?

I have started my taper. For those who don't know what that means in terms of training, it means to ease down in the volume of training without loosing the fitness that you have worked so hard at getting. Everybody is different in terms of tapering. I know for myself I can't taper of to much. I tend to lose my "pop" as I call it pretty fast, so I still need to be pushing the legs. I won't be doing 100 mile rides and 20 mile runs, but I will still be putting in some fair distances.

This past week was really hard, it was the first week of my taper and also the first week back from my recovery week. The week back from a recovery week is always hard, and luckily I have some really supportive people around me who keep pushing me through the pain. John and I were down in DC this weekend visting our new nephew and my godson Davis. Sat morning I ran 14 miles with the DC Road Runners and Sun did a group ride first then met up with Travis after to get more miles in. I really wanted to stop after the group ride and call it a day, but Travis helped me realize I just needed to push through it. I am happy I did and got 4 hours in on the bike. Thanks Travis!

I am pretty sore today. Had John massage my legs last night, and plan on taking an epson salt bath tonight. I am looking forward to this weeks training, I just hope this tickle in my throat goes away and doesn't turn into a cold. Lot's of sleep and vitamin C for me.

Training this week:

TUE - Run - Track workout
WED - 2.5mile open water swim
THUR - Bike - Intervals
FRI - Swim -pool or lake
SAT - 10 mile run
SUN - 60 mile ride followed by 6 mile run

I know an event is getting close when I start having crazy dreams. They have already started for the Ironman... crazy is all I can say!

have an awesome week!

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