Friday, August 20, 2010

9 Days, 5 more taining days, 1 big event!!

It's really happening. Next weekend I will be competing in my first Ironman, this is more exciting than words can even describe, I can't stop smiling and getting massive butterflies in my stomach!

My training has been great the past weeks and I am feeling really happy with where I am and what I will have to show in 9 days! Just a handful of days left to train and take in calories and get as much sleep as I can. No late nights, alcohol, cut down on the coffee and consume lots more water. The coffee thing is going to be tough!

Out of all the the 3 components of the Ironman, I find swimming to be the time in my training that I have most reflection on the past 36 weeks. Maybe it's because the lake where I swim at 5:30am in the dark is scary and I don't want to think about the possible creatures or dead bodies that could be lurking in the water, waiting for the right moment to attack me.... OR it's because it's so peaceful in the middle of the lake watching the sunrise, just me and the water. Regardless, it's a good time for reflection and I am so lucky to have so many AWESOME people to train with during my IM experience. The group of athletes I swim with at the lake have been some of the most supportive and motivational people I have come across in my time as an athlete. They have invited this sassy little girl into there circle, giving me advice, guidance and a great draft to swim behind! I know they will be with me in the water next Sunday swimming beside me every stroke, every breath until I reach that 2.4mile mark.

I have been really fortunate to meet people who have done Louisville in the past and one person in particular, Larry even took the time to take me out to lunch, bring all of his race materials from last year and share every piece of knowledge and advice with me so I have the BEST possible day ever. That lunch was one of the best things that happened with my training, and it tasted really good to... thanks Larry!

With 9 days to go, my training is slowing down. Last night I had a double brick, swam this morning, run tomorrow and swim on sunday. The intensity is lessing and same with the mileage.

Next week I will do even less. Off on Monday, easy bike on Tuesday, easy run on Wednesday and easy swim on Thursday. John and I will hit the sack super early on Thursday so we can be on the road by 2am Friday morning getting us to Kentucky around 1-2pm. The plan is to stop every 3-4 hours to get out an walk to keep the legs loose. I will also where the compression socks to help with the blood circulation. I won't do any working out on Friday besides the walking. Sat I will go for a easy spin on the bike before retiring it to the transition tent by 5pm which is mandatory. And Sunday is the big day of course!

I will break down all of the details in my next post... But I'm so Excited!!!!!

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