Monday, January 11, 2010

Where does the time go

Today is the 5th week into my training. Somehow last week came and went before I knew it.

My week last week was pretty crazy. Early morning workouts, Swim test in the pool which I aced, work, too much wedding stuff and a great run in the FREEZING cold with my favorite running partner Helena.

This week poses the same craziness. I think from here until the wedding it will be crazy every week....awesome!

Workout at a glance:
Mon: OFF
Tue: Run
Wed: Swim and Weights
Thur: Bike (wind sprints)
Fri: Weights
Sat: Swim, Bike and MY BIRTHDAY!!!!
Sun: Run

I feel like the training has been going well. I am not hating the lifting as much. I am finally comfortable with using the free weights and don't feel so awkward using them. I probably still look like a dork though! I can feel a difference in my swim stroke from the lifting I have been doing which is always rewarding. And the best news of all is that I don't look like a body builder. That has been a big fear of mine lifting weights. I'm already very muscular and I didn't want to get bigger muscles, just stronger. It's important that when I walk down the isle that John sees a woman and not a sheeman!

I'm looking forward to the weekends festivities. Friday night John and I are going out for sushi with my Brother Pat and sister-in-law Helena. YUM!
Saturday is a big party at my Godmothers and my sister Michele and sister-in-law Alycia will be coming up from D.C. Lots of family, fun, food...and of course training.!

Next weekend is another packed weekend, I will tell you about that in a few days when I have more of the details hammered out.

Talk to you all soon.