Monday, March 15, 2010

Don't worry I"m not MIA!

It's been a bit since I've last posted, and I apologize for that. You know after a long weekend, you need a vacation, thats how i have been feeling. For me the past two weekends have been busy, and right now I am trying to keep my eyes open.

My last post talked about clothing, and thank you for those who posted comments and asked questions about the clothes I wear. Since then, I have been wearing less clothing thanks to the warmer weather. I also have been able to run outside before work since there is plenty of light. With the time change now, I will be able to run and ride outside after work...YEAH!!!

So what has been going on. 2 weeks ago was week 12. I had a pretty solid week of training. I have still been doing the Elite swim which has been going really well. I have become a pro at putting all my long hair into the swim cap without ripping any out!! Over that weekend I got in a 50 mile bike ride and a 10 mile run. I also went to my cousins baby shower and saw lots of family.

This past week went well. My lifting at the gym has changed from slow/low weights and lots of reps to fast/heavy weights and less reps. This makes my workout shorter in time which I like! Over the weekend I was down in DC helping my sister-in-law Alycia get the baby Izzabella's  room all decorated. It rained all weekend which was a bummer, so I had to time my workouts so I didn't get caught in the rain. I ran 5 miles on Sat, and my ride on Sun was shorter than my plan said, but it was hard to ride when most of the areas we went were flooded. I am not stressed that I didn't get the miles in, I will make up the miles this week.

So, now, back on track. It's the start of Week 14. Hopefully this week will be kinda chill before the craziness of the weekend begins. My mom fly's into town tomorrow and will stay through till Monday. She is here for my bridal shower which is this Sat. My mom is not staying with me, but my sisters are over the weekend which I'm really excited about!

This is my training for this week:

Mon: Off (get my life back in order and get food for the house!!!)
Tue: Bike 
Wed: 8 mile Hill Run (there is a great 2.2 mile loop by my house that I will run with hills)
Thur: Swim 950 yards
Fri: Off
Sat: Open water swim  (can't do open water yet, water to cold, will swim 1.25miles in pool instead)
Sun: Brick (3hr ride followed by a 8 mile run)

I will probably change around a few of my workouts. Instead of having Friday off I will move my long swim to that day so I can have Sun off. I have it all worked out!!

A lot of people have been asking me how I think my training has been going, and I think it has been going well. I try not to freak out when I don't get the full distance in, but I also try not to make a habit of it. I am getting excited for all the events that will be taking place this year, weddings, babies and races.

Warm weather I feel you getting closer:)


  1. Great post. Keep it up! we are all really proud of you!

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