Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ironman Vs. Ultra Distance Triathlon

 It wasn't until recent that I found out that there was a difference between an Ironman and an Ultra Distance Triathlon. When you look at the distance for each component they are the same and when you look at time to complete by, they are the same, and they both follow USAT sanctioned rules, so why the big difference. It's a little thing called Trademarking!

The Ultra Distance Tri I am doing in September is just that. It's not a part of the Ford "Ironman" Series. When I cross that finish line after 11+ hours, the announcer will not say, "Megan Howe, you are an IRONMAN!!" Is there a benefit of one over the other. Why will some people only do "Ironman" events and non other.

I think the thought that some people have, is that it's not an Ironman. Even though it's the same distance, same pain, same time training, because it's not called one, then it must not be as hard. Well according to Triathlete Magazine, the Chesapeakman Ultra Distance Tri, is listed as one of the top 10 hardest/best ultra distance events. There were only a few "Ford IM" events listed on there, so maybe there should be so much hype over a trademark.

Don't get me wrong though, I am not knocking that series by any means. My first IM was a Ford series event, and I did it because I wanted all the lights, and more so to hear the announcer say in front of everyone that I was an Ironman. But now that I have done that, experienced that, I have new priorities. I want to cross that finish line and have my family see me do that. So I picked a race not only for it's logistical location, but also because it is such a well run and organized event. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter if there is a TM next to the them, you are still swimming 2.4 miles, biking 112 miles and running 26.2 miles. That in itself is awesome.

Yesterday I registered for the National Marathon in Washington DC. I wanted to do a few races this year before the big one, and I also needed extra motivation have a successful winter training as well. The marathon is at the end of March, so that will leave my training for some nice snowy days! There are a few things I will need to invest in for the marathon training. Winter running shoes, head lamp for running in the dark, and blinky reflective arm and ankle bands so cars don't run me over! I really don't want to spend all my training in the gym, that would be terrible. My official start date for the Marathon training is December 6th and the UDT (ultra distance tri) will be January 3. I have already written my marathon program out and have started to write the UDT program. John and I will be traveling to Florida in May to ride the MS150 Charity bike ride for Multiple Sclerosis with my dad. More about that later!

On a final note, I am so happy, excited, proud, oh and excited that I will have a training partner and a day of-suffer through the pain partner at the UDT. My cousin Marita is doing Chesapeakman. You will be hearing a lot about her, because we will be training a lot together.

I hope everyone has a happy and safe Thanksgiving holiday. My family will be celebrating our Thanksmas holiday (not sure if i ever explained that). Can't wait to see the family.

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