Monday, January 17, 2011

Snow, Sewing, Houses and More

Training in the cold north has not been what it has in the past. I have really been enjoying it. Part of that is because I have a great group of people to run with. Last sat a group of us headed out in the snowy, cold weather. By the end of my 17 mile run, icicles had formed on my eyebrows and lashes. It was pretty amazing!

I am 10 weeks away from the National Marathon. I have been feeling pretty good on my long runs and have been running faster then what I should be. I'm really excited to see what time I will run.

My Chesapeakman training has also started. Last week marked the beginning of it. I will say last week was pretty tiring, but I know it's a matter of time before I get used to it again.

In addition to the training, John and I have been house hunting. We have been looking for our first home. It has been fun, exciting and stressful all at the same time. We have to be out of our apt by the end of April, so keep your fingers crossed!

I will have more to write soon, just wanted to check in while my head was above water. Hope everyone has a good week.


  1. Good luck Megan. Keep up the training.

  2. keep writing megan.. this seems to be a lot of fun and adventurous as well .. I am also planning for a adventurous trip .. i hope it is as exciting as yours
