Monday, November 15, 2010

All the Peas are married!!

This weekend I not only got to see my friend Crista get married, but I was her "day-of-coordinator." I got to help run the show, which was so much fun. I love being in control and telling people what to do...

anyways, back to Crista. Crista was the last, but not least Pea to get married. What is a Pea?

The "Peas" are a group of friends who will grow old together and their kids will become great friends. The Pea's started with my sister Michele and her best friend Cara. They went to High school together and didn't like eachother, but once in college at the University of South Florida they became best friends, eventually moving to Washington DC, to join the other half of the Peas, Crista and Kate. Crista and Kate were also college best friends at Stetson University in Florida. The four of those girls created this bond that was unbreakable, regardless of the different guys or friends that came and went and some that stayed, there friendship lasted.

As an outsider to the group, we wondered what would happen when the Peas would marry off and start to have children. My sister Michele was the first to get married, and the Peas still stood by. Then Cara got married followed by Kate with Crista closing up the deal. The friendships are still just as strong as in the beginning and they have even added a new member, my sister-in-law Alycia. They recently performed Mambo Italiano for Crista and Firoz at the wedding, and it was a smash.

I guess where I was going with this the importance of friends and support. And to cherish those friendships and treat them kind. At some point during my training, each one of those Peas's helped and supported me, and I am so lucky to have them.

Aside from the awesome wedding, the rest of the weekend was filled with awesome food and hanging out with family and the babies. Oh how I love the babies.

Thanksgiving is almost here, and for our family that means we will have our "Thanksmas" so I have a lot to get done. I am looking for a turkey trot to do on thanksgiving day as well.

Gobble Gobble.

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