As I headed into the Labor Day weekend, and my last big weekend of training, I was feeling strong and really motivated. I had some great workouts, getting some good sleep and my overall attitude was very calm. For the weekend, John, Puma and I would be heading down to Perryville, MD. We rented a house with 6 other couples and there kids, along the northern most part of the Chesapeake Bay. It was a large house, right on the water with really pretty views. My goal for the weekend was to get in a long bike, medium swim and a long run.
Saturday morning was a little rough after not the best nights sleep. My brothers, John and I headed out on the bikes, only to be surprised by the very hilly terrain of Perryville. We were all expecting a much flatter ride, but that didn’t happen. I planned to sit in the first half and conserve and ride all out the second half, much like my race day plan. With a flat tire from myself and Travis, we ended up cutting the ride a little short, since we didn’t have any more spares tube left...and we did not really know the area. So, I made the most of it and rode as hard as I could back home. I quickly transitioned into my wetsuit and John and I headed out by Kayak into the Chesapeake. I won’t lie, I was nervous about the swim. The water was a lot choppier than I would have liked. I didn’t know the body of water, so I was unaware of what might be swimming in it with me! I sat on the Kayak, and John paddled me far enough out so I could start my swim. The plan was 15 minutes out and 15 back. I encountered tons of seaweed which really creeped me out. The current was coming from my right side, and the swim out was hard. When I did turn, it felt easier as my breathing side was not going into the crashing chop. John Kayaked beside me the whole time. I was concerned with getting run over by a motor boat, as I did swim in the middle of the day. Workouts done, now time to hangout with the babies and eat lots of food!!
Sunday came my big workout for the weekend, a 20miler. This would set my longest run for my training so far. I had done plenty of 15milers and 18milers, but not a 20. I also had done all my long runs on shorter/multiple loops where I could stash water and I ran with people. This run would not be so kind to me. I was running on hilly, unfamiliar terrain. I mapped out a run ahead of time. I rode a portion of the run on Sat on my bike, so I knew some of it. I wore my tri kit and a fuel belt with 3 flasks and my pouch to hold my map and food. I wanted to simulate race day as best I could with my gear. It was a hot day, so I knew I needed to keep hydrated and take my salt tablets to prevent cramping. I planned to take them every 5 miles, take Tylenol at mile 10 and eat a gel every 30min. I kept to the plan and I paid off. By mile 10 I entered into a town called Perry Point. I stopped at a Pizza shop to fill up my water and get a coke. Since I was running in the middle of know where, I thought it would be best to stop and refill when I had the chance. I am glad I did because, the only thing I passed on my way back was a yard sale. I only had half a flask by that point, so I stopped and the two ladies who ran the yard sale were so kind and gave me 2 cold bottles of water. They were my shinning angels. With cold water on my belt and over my head, I made my way back with only 5 more miles of running. I felt great the rest of the way in. As I was running down the gravel road to the house, I see John driving towards me. He was getting nervous that I was still not home. I did get lost once and stop twice. I did not factor that into the time I told the group it would take me. I recovered great from the run and my legs are not sore. I really needed that run. It was such a positive uplifting day for me. I ran 20miles, by myself, in unfamiliar territory, in the hills on a hot day. What a great mental and physical boost.
I will start my tapper next week. I still have a long ride on Sunday, but no more long runs. 3 more weeks until race day....I am sooo excited. I will have so many people out cheering me on, which makes me work that much harder.
Have an awesome week!!!