Life never stops. 2 days after the National Marathon, John and I closed on the house. The very next day we started small demo on the house. I scheduled a recovery week from training that week, but let me tell you, it was no rest. Construction work is hard. Painting works your upper body, your hands, fingers, etc. The bulk of the work on the house is almost done. With that my "rest" week is over and my training will resume. Since I have the base from the marathon training, I can jump right into block 2 off the Chesapeakeman training. I am using my program from last year, but with a few modifications.
I will be focusing more on swimming and cycling for the first phase to try and give my tailors bunion a little rest. I am excited to get back into the pool, and before long the water will be warmer and I can get into the lake. The weather has been funky here. Rain one day then hot the next. Today it is in the 40's but I still wore flip flops, it's spring and I want to flip flop away.
I am also very excited to mention 2 things. The first is that I will finally get to meet my sponsor, Beth from Adventure Woman next month at my friend Kelley's wedding. We have spoken in email and phone, just never in person. And the other thing is that I got a new bike! My sister Michele and her husband Travis gave me her old Specialized Ruby. It's a beautiful bike that I will get so much use out of. Again, I am the luckiest girl ever to have such great people in my life. I joke that I am the goodwill child! Can't wait to ride my new ride!
Hope the weather has been nice for everyone else. Swim time tomorrow!