(John racing..that is me on the left supporting him!!)
Most of my blogging has been about what I have been going through and how it has been affecting my life. I thought it would be interesting for not only myself but for those that follow my blog to hear how it effects my husband, John. Through the help of my friend Cara Elias, we came up with some great questions that I emailed to John. We thought we would get a more thought-out answer if he was alone when he responded. I cried when I read what he wrote.
I also have figured out the email situation to the blog, so please leave me comments, words of encouragement, tips, anything. It's always great knowing that people are actually reading this!!!
1. How has Megan's training affected your life?
I don't think that much at all really. I knew what i was getting into when we started dating. I love the fact she works out so much and such awesome goals. I guess the only thing thats kind of changed would be that dinner is a bit later in the evening now.
2. Has her training created any stress on the relationship?
I don't think much if any, i tend to go with the flow.
3. What has been the hardest thing for you to adjust to with her training?
The time we spend together. Whether she's up with me at 5 am or training after work, the time we have together when we are both awake and coherent is not very much if at all some days.
4. How do you help make her training easier?
I try to ride with her when possible and encourage her if trainnig isn't going according to plan, and just let her know i'll be there for her no matter what.
5. Does Megan's goal to complete a Ironman make you want to do one?
ABSOLUTELY.... not. Her goals are her goals.
6. How would you say her training is going?
In my view i think she is right on track and it's coming together nicely.
7. If you had to give her one piece of advice to help with her improve her training from your point of view, what would it be?
Don't sweat the small stuff. It will all come together in due time.
8. How do you think she will do at the Ironman?
WIN duh.... it's first or last, shake and bake. Honestly i feel she will do great, I'm very proud of her for the training and time she has put in.
9. Do you think that this process has been fun for her or stressful?
Both at least for her, how can it not be stressful when your putting that much effort into something and on occasion have a bad day training, then add the everyday life situations into the mix. However i know how much she loves working out and finds it a great release from the stresses of life.
10. Which leg of the Ironman do you think will be the easiest for her? The hardest?
The easiest would have to be the bike for sure because of her experience and knowing how conserve energy the correct way. The hardest is going to be the first 5 miles of the run, at the end of a long swim followed by a long bike i think it may take a bit to get into a good rhythm.11. Which leg are you most looking forward to watching her compete in?
The run simply because i will get to see her raise her arms triumphantly at the end where can say she is an IRONWOMAN.
12. Do you have any race day fears for Megan?
Some, hoping she eats and drinks enough.she has a tendency of not doing that which could be devastating towards her goals. I will say though she has gotten much better at that.13. Have you noticed that training for an Ironman has changed Megan in anyway?
She is way more ripped than me...hahahaThanks for a great interview John, I love your honesty and I love you!